David Brown

December 26, 2024

Mogshade Reflections: A Serene Sunrise

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Mogshade Pond 1, New Forest 12 Sept 2024 06:45

Serene Sunrise

It's the blue hour and dawn paints the eastern sky in hues of indigo, soon followed by the golden hues of sunrise bleeding up from the horizon. This day, Mogshade Pond transforms into a mirror, reflecting the sky's drama in the still morning air. Three fortuitously placed surrounding trees, silhouetted against the dawn, provide scale and depth to the scene.

Like watering holes on the Savanna, these New Forest ponds draw in the wildlife; ponies, cows, donkeys and deer, all come to quench their thirst and give grace to the landscape. Sometimes they seem determined to test my patience, wandering unaesthetically into the edge of the frame or turning their back just as I'm about to press the shutter, indifferent to my photographic intentions. Other times, they cooperate, creating unexpected compositions. You often find captivating images in these moments, but this time the wildlife stayed away, the serenity remained unbroken, the dawn reflected in perfect stillness and a moment of pure tranquility was captured in the heart of the New Forest.

Photo Details iPhone 11 Pro 26mm(equiv) f1.8 1/1000 sec. Processed in ApplePhotos (iOS)

About David Brown

Recently retired, and finally finding time to catalogue and share the keepers from fifty years of photography, this is MY World on HEY World, a photographic chronicle exploring the landscape and environment of the New Forest and surrounding Wessex. In short, a New Forest photo blog and accidental eco blog.