David Brown

December 23, 2024

The Elusive Aurora Borealis: a Lesson in Expectations vs Reality


Aurora, Southern England, 6 Oct 2024 22:00

Aurora Borelais

It may be my once-in-a-lifetime experience but this is the best photo I could muster given the light pollution and clouds. I knew it must be there, it was all over social media, they all said they could ‘see’ it. Truth be told, I stood there, eyes glued to the sky, searching for the green glow of dancing ribbons of light as minutes turned into an hour, but I saw nothing, not a hint of colour. There was no “wow”, no “amazing”, none of the adjectives that flooded my social media feed from neighbours in the same moment who apparently had better ‘luck’; it was a disappointment.

In exasperation, desperation even, I tried a long exposure just to see if a push of the saturation and contrast sliders would reveal anything and voila! I looked back at the sky but there was still nothing more than a disappointing grey sky with a thin veil of pale clouds reflecting our light pollution.

It turns out aurora hunting in southern England is a lesson in disappointment and mastering long-exposure photography. Norway in the winter, here we come!

Photo details - iPhone 16 Pro 24mm(equiv) f1.78 3.4secs. Processed in Apple photos

About David Brown

Recently retired, and finally finding time to catalogue and share the keepers from fifty years of photography, this is MY World on HEY World, a photographic chronicle exploring the landscape and environment of the New Forest and surrounding Wessex. In short, a New Forest photo blog and accidental eco blog.