David Senra

June 17, 2024

The Autobiography of J. Paul Getty

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My top 10 highlights from the book:

1.  A hatred of failure has always been part of my nature and one of the more pronounced motivating forces in my life.

2.  Once I have committed myself to any undertaking a powerful inner drive cuts in and I become intent on seeing it through to a satisfactory conclusion.

3.  My own nature is such that I am able to concentrate on whatever is before me and am not easily distracted from it.

4.  You cannot help men permanently by doing for them what they could and should do for themselves.

5.  I submit that the successful businessman must and does take the responsibility for his actions. It is the mediocrities and the outright failures who blame everyone and everything but themselves for whatever goes wrong.

6.  I have always been a voracious reader.

7.  I like to keep a lot of financial fat under my belt. There is nothing that can ever take the place of cash. The overwhelming majority of business failures result from businessmen extending themselves too far.

8.  I spent much of my time on the shop floor personally supervising operations.

9.  People are mesmerized by superlatives.

10.  To stumble over the same stone twice is a proverbial disgrace.

Listen to #352 J. Paul Getty: The Richest Private Citizen in America on Apple, Spotify, or the web.

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July 29th-31st in Scotts Valley, California 

About David Senra

Learn from history's greatest founders. Every week I read a biography of an entrepreneur and tell you what I learned on Founders podcast