Friends, family, colleagues, mutuals, and haters:
A number of people in my life have asked how they can stay up to date on what I'm making and where it can be viewed, especially if they're not glued to the right app when I happen to be posting those sorts of things. For me, checking in on friends' digital lives is a slippery slope to being Extremely Online, and I've gotten caught in a cycle of checking social media when I feel out of the loop, becoming addicted almost instantly, growing disgusted, and quitting cold turkey for a time. All of this has led me to wonder if the humble blog post or email is not a better model for how to keep people up to date on things that feel important.
To that end, I'm going to start writing infrequent updates on what's happening in my life on a separate site—only a few times a year with a roundup of news, so it won't be an onslaught. I don't want to presume that this sounds appealing to anyone, but if it does, head over to, where you can sign up to receive my intermittent dispatches via email or view them on the site at your leisure. I'll send a first edition sometime in the next week or so.
I hope you're well—and if we haven't spoken recently, I'd love to know what's happening in your life, too!
A number of people in my life have asked how they can stay up to date on what I'm making and where it can be viewed, especially if they're not glued to the right app when I happen to be posting those sorts of things. For me, checking in on friends' digital lives is a slippery slope to being Extremely Online, and I've gotten caught in a cycle of checking social media when I feel out of the loop, becoming addicted almost instantly, growing disgusted, and quitting cold turkey for a time. All of this has led me to wonder if the humble blog post or email is not a better model for how to keep people up to date on things that feel important.
To that end, I'm going to start writing infrequent updates on what's happening in my life on a separate site—only a few times a year with a roundup of news, so it won't be an onslaught. I don't want to presume that this sounds appealing to anyone, but if it does, head over to, where you can sign up to receive my intermittent dispatches via email or view them on the site at your leisure. I'll send a first edition sometime in the next week or so.
I hope you're well—and if we haven't spoken recently, I'd love to know what's happening in your life, too!