Dino Maric

January 3, 2023


Hey 👋🏿,

Lately, I found myself regretting not writing down my research or things I've learned in the process.
So, as we are entering the new year I've decided to write a journal about my research. To make things more interesting and to hold myself accountable I'm gonna write this journal in the public.

As a ruby/rails developer acting as a CTO/lead developer in the WizardHealth and occasional Rails contributor majority of content in this journal will be about; Ruby, Rails, Databases, JavaScript, and system architecting. But, who knows where I may roam.

Not sure If anyone will find my ramblings interesting to read, but time will tell.


About Dino Maric

Hey! I'm Dino, programmer and CTO of WizardHealth.
Subscribe bellow to follow my ramblings about programming for the web.