David Sinden

December 17, 2022

O sapientia

Hello, friends,

Advent is getting real now, today, December 17, which is noted in the 1662 Book of Common Prayer as "O sapientia".

This single entry in the prayer book calendar marks the beginning of the sequence of seven "O" Antiphons leading to Christmas (we sing these seven Antiphons in the hymn "O come, O come, Emmanuel," and The Hymnal 1982 helpfully lists the proper dates for each).

Earlier this season I reflected how the sound of these Antiphons mark the season for me. I think in recent years I have experienced a kind of "sensory overload" with all the images they contain. But this is the gift of the liturgical tradition, isn't it? We encounter these pieces in different ways when they return.

And if you're really looking forward to Christmas, All Things Rite & Musical has you covered with the 2022 Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols Preview.

Wishing you a blessed Advent,