David Sinden

October 28, 2022

Requiem Weather

Many times at this season of the year I'm busy practicing a choral requiem for All Soul's Day. So I've come to see this time of year as having "Requiem Weather."

It's the color of the leaves, the bright, clear sunshine in the crisp autumn air. 

For most people, it's probably just "Fall." But I think it's Requiem Weather.

And this has been a week to remember the dead.

My friend Hermann Whitfield III should be turning 40 this weekend, but he lost his life at the hands of the police earlier this year. ('Virtuoso' Herman Whitfield III should be 40. The world will never know how far he could've gone, Indianapolis Star). 

Here in St. Louis we had a school shooting at an arts high school on Monday. Three people died inside the school that day.

The dead, it seems, are all around us. 

Let us remember them.

blessed are the dead which die in the Lord:
even so saith the Spirit; for they rest from their labors.
