Emre Doganer

April 16, 2024

More Data, Better Decisions?

Having more data doesn't necessarily lead to better decisions, even in the B2B SaaS industry.

We have access to far more data than we did 50 years ago, and this amount continues to increase daily.

However, when we examine B2B startups with significant competitive advantages, we find that they weren't founded solely on data. 

What do I mean by this? 

All of these startups have solid foundational elements that contribute to their success or industry disruption. My formula is based on analyzing successful startups (yes, I used data!).

Success = (Gap Analysis + Value Innovation Proposition + Unfair Advantage) + Execution

In this equation, I will explain each component.

  1. Gap Analysis helps identify market gaps. While you should utilize data, this process requires more than just that. To find the right gap, you must possess extensive industry knowledge or know how to ask the right questions consistently.
  2. Value Innovation Proposition encourages the development of unique solutions that deliver both value and innovation to customers. Innovation is rare these days, but you must focus on product or marketing innovation.
  3. Unfair Advantage leverages unique aspects of the business that cannot be easily replicated by competitors. This is the most important element of the equation. A founder's competence, desire, and history provide this advantage, and they should leverage it to differentiate their startup from others.
  4. Execution focuses on the implementation and realization of the strategy. Lastly, execution is crucial. As the saying goes, "Vision without execution is a hallucination."

I will delve deeper into each of these elements later. 

But this is the fundamental formula for success.

— Emre Doğaner
CMO Team Lead @ Funnelepic

About Emre Doganer

I'm a fractional CMO for B2B SAAS companies. Also, I am co-founder of Funnel Kafası, Minor Stüdyo, Sadece-Ticaret. And leading Kodgem Straight as fractional CMO from the beginning of startup. Marketing, personal knowledge management, writing and learning are my passions.