Faiz Hussain

September 20, 2023

HEY / Housekeeping

Hi everyone, hope you're keeping well!

Thank you for your patience for new issues.

I relocated to Japan in April, and I wasn't expecting this very-large-life-change to be a very-large-life-change. It's left no part of my life intact, and I look forward to sharing some of these shifts.

I'm migrating this newsletter from Buttondown to HEY World. This means all new emails will come directly from my primary inbox, with less overhead on my end.

By now, you've already received an email to approve the change, you can also resubscribe here. I'll also maintain an archive linked on that page for older posts. If you've already done this, apologies for the double-email.

If we part ways here, thank you for being on board.

I am also sun-setting the ability to support the newsletter via donations. If you were one of the few that did, thank you so much for the vote of confidence and the nudge to write more. I'll reach out to you individually in the next week for a proper thank you. 

See you on the other side!

About Faiz Hussain

Pynchon divides people into two camps: those who believe things just happen at random, and those who believe, underneath it all, everything connects.

I'm in the second one, seeking out every kind of thinking (about thinking) to live a fuller life, expressed through words and pictures.

MastodonArchives (before 9/2023)