There will always be a soft spot in my heart for Leap Day. Partly for the geekiness of the rules that govern when they occur, but mostly because it was on the last occurrence of this day that my younger son got married. It all started innocently enough, as these things do. The kids were looking at a late winter wedding, sometime in February or March of 2020.
"February 29 would be a fun date," someone suggested. "And, as it so happens, that's a Saturday," I helpfully noted.
It was a perfect day, considering it was late February in St. Louis. Family and friends from near and far came to town to celebrate and have a good time. Hard to believe that was four years ago already. FOUR YEARS!
We have tons of photos from that day, mostly the official photos (which are incredible). As I write this, though, I have only a handful of photos available on my phone. This is one of my faves.
Happy anniversary, kids! Love you.
About gBRETT miller
Hey, there! I'm gBRETT (the "g" is silent). Captured here are some daily musings and observations, an ounce of perception and a pound of obscure. Subscribe below if you’d like to get a daily email, or just stop back every now and then if that's your preference. Either way, thanks for stopping by, and thanks for reading.