gBRETT miller

March 1, 2024


The MacGuffin of the latest Mission Impossible film is a seemingly sentient (conscious?), all-knowing, all-powerful artificial intelligence referred to, somewhat ominously and ridiculously at the same time, as "The Entity." There is a scene about half way through the second act in which Gabriel, an agent of The Entity, tries to persuade the hero, Ethan Hunt, to acquiesce to their demands, to give up without a fight. 

“You have no idea the power I represent. Thousands of quadrillions of computations per millisecond, subtly manipulating the minds of billions, while parsing every possible cause and effect, every scenario, however implausible, into a very real map of the most probable next. And, with only a few changes to the present, the future is all but assured."

As you might guess, since the movie was only half over, Ethan did not take Gabriel up on his offer. I like to think it is because he understands the difference between "probably next" and "adjacent possible" and therefore knows that even with that incredible rate of computation, The Entity cannot actually see "every" possibility. And that "all but assured" really means, "there is a possibility that it is not assured." (You won't be surprised to learn that Ethan exploits the possible that The Entity, and Gabriel, did not see coming.)

That's what I've always liked about the film series, and the original TV series, the belief that "impossible" just means that you haven't come up with the idea yet, that you haven't yet brought the necessary "possible" into existence.

On the subject of the adjacent possible, check out this TED presentation from Stuart Kauffman on The "adjacent possible" - and how it explains human innovation.

About gBRETT miller

Hey, there! I'm gBRETT (the "g" is silent). Captured here are some daily musings and observations, an ounce of perception and a pound of obscure. Subscribe below if you’d like to get a daily email, or just stop back every now and then if that's your preference. Either way, thanks for stopping by, and thanks for reading.