Today the School of the Possible held our first open house. Over 100 people joined us to hear what the School is all about and learn more about the courses that I and other faculty are working on. It was quite the undertaking, using Zoom and Mural to get that open house feeling.
After a main session where Chief Possibilitarian Dave Gray spoke about the school and each of the faculty (including yours truly) gave a quick pitch of their course, each of the faculty hosted a breakout room where we met with the people who were interested in our course. The breakout sessions were 7 minutes - well, 8 minutes with the extra minute that Zoom gives you before pulling you back in to the main room. The first one was over very very quickly. "Wait, was that seven minutes? Really?" Luckily, we had time for several. They all still went by way too quickly.
In addition to Zoom, we used Mural to create the School of the Possible Campground, with a camp site, complete with camp fire, for each course. As someone who loves sitting around a camp fire with friends just hanging out and talking, I thought this was perfect.
Going into the open house, I had no idea how many people, if any, would find my course of interest. So I was very happy to learn that people were interested enough to at least stop by and talk about it. I can't speak for anyone who dropped by the breakout room, but I have a feeling I learned more than anyone else from the conversations I had with them. Thank you all.
Hey, there! I'm gBRETT (the "g" is silent). Captured here are some daily musings and observations, an ounce of perception and a pound of obscure. Subscribe below if you’d like to get a daily email, or just stop back every now and then if that's your preference. Either way, thanks for stopping by, and thanks for reading.