Of all the benefits of working remotely, of working at (from?) home, my favorite is the ability to just step away for a few minutes during the day. For me this generally takes the form of a short (a mile or so) walk with the dogs.
Unlike a “coffee break” when at the office, stepping completely away allows me to push work to the back, or perhaps to the side is a better way to describe it. At the edge of my consciousness, these work thoughts stew and mingle with other thoughts, random and not so random.
Somewhat like a dream, where you can see ideas swimming around each other and coming together in ways you could never have imagined, and with solutions coming to the front fully formed, seemingly out of nowhere. Many times, the time I spend walking is the most creative, most productive time of my day.
About gBRETT miller
Hey, there! I'm gBRETT (the "g" is silent). Captured here are some daily musings and observations, an ounce of perception and a pound of obscure. Subscribe below if you’d like to get a daily email, or just stop back every now and then if that's your preference. Either way, thanks for stopping by, and thanks for reading.