Geoffrey Moffett

June 28, 2024

Appointment of an independent investigator to investigate procurement and financial irregularities

At a recent Audit Committee meeting of Causeway Coast & Glens, initially held on 12 June and reconvened on 19 June 2024, the Audit, Risk, and Governance Manager presented a confidential report.


The report focused on the appointment of an independent investigator to investigate procurement and financial irregularities within the council. It outlined the necessity for a formal investigation following preliminary findings of these irregularities, in alignment with the council's Anti-Fraud, Bribery, and Corruption Policy.

Councillors were informed that KPMG had been appointed to undertake the investigation after a procurement exercise. During the meeting, Alderman Callan raised concerns over the report's lack of detail and called for more comprehensive information to ensure Elected Members could make well-informed decisions.

The Director of Corporate Services emphasised the confidentiality and sensitivity of the complex matter, assuring Elected Members of adherence to the Anti-Fraud, Bribery, and Corruption Policy, seeking legal advice, and following associated policies and procedures.

Last night, the matter was revisited in an in-committee session at a full council meeting.

This investigation comes amidst ongoing police enquiries into allegations of fraud at Causeway Coast and Glens Borough Council. 

Last month, police confirmed they were investigating these allegations, and since then, two additional complaints have been filed and are now part of the same investigation.

About Geoffrey Moffett

Geoffrey Moffett is a local content creator contributing to various media publications across Northern Ireland and the mainland.

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