Geoffrey Moffett

June 12, 2024

Councillors Call for Improved Communication at Causeway Coast & Glens Council

At recent committee meetings, Causeway Coast & Glens Councillors have underscored the pressing need for enhanced communication from the Council.

With local papers witnessing a noticeable decline in readership and circulation, Councillors are championing social media, third-party online platforms, and targeted digital advertisements to disseminate information more effectively.


Councillors have emphasised the crucial need for timely updates via the Council’s website, social media channels, and other platforms. 

Further compounding the issue, it was pointed out that the PR and media team of Causeway Coast & Glens is smaller compared to other councils in Northern Ireland, which has exacerbated the challenges in effective communication with ratepayers. 

In light of this, Councillors are now calling for a more strategic approach to ensure all residents are kept well-informed about council activities and decisions.

About Geoffrey Moffett

Geoffrey Moffett is a local content creator contributing to various media publications across Northern Ireland and the mainland.

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