bplist00Ô X$versionY$archiverT$topX$objects† _NSKeyedArchiverÑ Troot€¢ U$nullo R. Buckminster Fuller, inventor of the geodesic dome and several other spectacular things, wrote a book in 1969 called Utopia or Oblivion: the Prospects for Humanity.  In it he suggested that in several decades humanity would come to a fork in the road, the two roads being utopia and abundance on one side and a mindless road to oblivion on the other.  FUTURIST: Arriving at a global fork in the road https://www.heraldtribune.com/story/business/briefs/2021/03/22/david-houle-exploring-forkintheroadproject/4731603001/ via Instapaper$)27ILQSV\ ’