Gerd Leonhard

May 9, 2021

Book Review: The ‘New Realism’ of Eternal Faith in Humanity – Kashmir Reader 

Darwin’s thesis “survival of the fittest” is now considered as “fundamental law” of survival and progress. Karl Marx, the prophet of communism, had praised Darwin and acknowledged that his own thesis of “class struggle” was inspired from Darwin’s thesis. Similarly, Adam Smith, the “Father of Economics”, echoes the same thesis of ruthless competition while proclaiming that pursuing one’s “self-interest” is imperative for a prosperous economy. Without denying the evolutionary process, Bregman has called Darwin’s “survival of the fittest” thesis as a capitalist’s plot. Citing scientific studies and fossil records of vanished powerful species and the survival of less powerful species, Bregman declares that the law of nature is “survival of the friendliest”, not “survival of the fittest”. He asserts that it is the friendlier and the most cooperative species that have survived through time, while the ruthless and competitive have been vanquished.