Gerd Leonhard

April 4, 2021

Clegg and Facebook

evolves. Clegg also raises important questions about who gets to set the guardrails for these types of discussions.

“Should a private company be intervening to shape the ideas that flow across its systems, above and beyond the prevention of serious harms like incitement to violence and harassment?” Clegg asks. “If so, who should make that decision? Should it be determined by an independent group of experts? Should governments set out what kinds of conversation citizens are allowed to participate in? Is there a way in which a deeply polarized society like the U.S. could ever agree on what a healthy national conversation looks like? How do we account for the fact that the internet is borderless and speech rules will need to accommodate a multiplicity of cultural perspectives?” I am quoting these questions at length because they are the right questions we should be asking. Clegg might fail to persuade us that Facebook is the right person to answer but that doesn’t change the fact that we need to be actively finding answers.