Gerd Leonhard

May 26, 2021

» Too much of a good thing can be a very bad thing: Technology’s Future [Gerd Leonhard Futurist Humanist Author Keynote Speaker]

We should take note that while today’s technological progress often seems very impressive and useful, mostly harmless and easily manageable, it would be very foolish indeed to assume that this will remain the same in the near future, as we’re literally leaping up the exponential curve from 4 to 8 to 16 and on. 30 steps linearly may get me across the street, 30 exponential steps equals 26 trips around the globe. The scope of magnitude is utterly different and whatever may have worked before the pivot point may prove disastrous later on. 

Right here, right now we are at the take-off point for many of the foundational sciences and technologies of the 21st century, from artificial intelligence and deep learning to human genome editing to geo-engineering, longevity and human enhancement – our entire framework is about to change – not just the picture!