Giovanni Panasiti

March 10, 2024

My Method To Create An MVP (Minimum Viable Product)

Many times, we may have a great idea for a product, and if you're a developer like I am, the first reaction might be to dive into the code editor and write code as long as motivation lasts, day after day until you probably get tired of it because it isn't going anywhere. We often choose this path because it's where we excel and feel most comfortable. This was my approach during my early years, but I've since discovered a more effective strategy that has led to repeated success. I want to share it with you to help you avoid the same mistakes I made.

If you're unfamiliar with the term MVP, it stands for Minimum Viable Product, which is a product with the least number of features necessary to validate the core idea. It won't be your product's final version, but it serves as a tool to understand if the problem you're addressing is indeed worth solving.

How do you know it's time to build an MVP?

If you've identified a problem and have data supporting its significance, then developing an MVP is likely a wise move. The goal is to minimize costs, both financial and temporal until you've created a product your customers can effectively use.

Some might recommend using a no-code solution to build an MVP. My perspective on this is quite firm. As a developer, coding isn't typically the challenging part; it often brings enjoyment and allows for experimentation with new technologies, methodologies, and paradigms. In my experience, the initial code for an MVP often lays the groundwork for the final product. So if you are like me my advice is to actually build the thing. Always remember to enjoy the journey and try to get better every day. And don't lose the passion and the love for what you do.

But be aware! Before you start building, it's crucial to write down what you want to achieve. List the core features your MVP needs to fully serve your end customer and once you have those lined up be focused on them and don't lose your path during the development process or you will end up in a rabbit hole.

Don't waste time on features you won't need. For Example, unless you don't already have some basic code for billing logic, consider excluding it from your MVP. Early customers won't be making payments anyway, and your time could be better spent developing other features that are more focused on the problem you need to solve. 

How long should this take?

I'll tell you this just based on my experience. If you're working on an MVP as a side project, aim to complete it within a couple of months. Stretched periods can lead to lost focus and motivation, and generally result in subpar outcomes.

If you need more than this there are just two cases. Either you are tackling a problem that requires an effort you cannot afford at this time or you are over-engineering the product so be aware to take a step back and move to another feature.

So far the best way I found to manage the building of an MVP is to use the shape up method which you can read for free online. So for every feature try to set an appetite and stick with it.