Greg Bunch

February 21, 2022

How to get paid $75,000 for a talk.

20 years ago Ken Blanchard regularly got $75,000 to give keynote speeches around the world. One day I asked him, “What do I have to do to get paid $75,000?“

He didn't miss a beat in answering.

“Write a book that sells 10 million copies!”

Then he laughed a very Ken chuckle.

He was also serious. That's how it had happened for him after The One Minute Manager went viral.

Well, I hadn't written a best-seller. And, I still haven't. Yet...

He went on to say something that I have used before every single talk I’ve given since.

“You are a good speaker. But I’ve noticed a little nervousness in your voice especially when you begin.”

"Don't feel bad about it. You know that public speaking is one of the most feared activities in the world.* It's also one of the most important skills to master."

"I have a simple tip to help you speak with confidence."

“I learned it from one of the best speech coaches in the world,” he continued.

“She trains CEOs, government leaders, and Hollywood celebrities."

"She says people tell you to imagine the audience in their underwear. But that demeans your audience. And, doesn't actually help."

"Instead of that, she recommends a simple mantra. Say it before every speech you give.“

I’m glad I’m here!

I’m glad you are here!

I know what I know!

I care for you!

Practice the mantra. Let me know how it goes?

Do you have other tips that have worked for you?

*Tidbit to appear smart at parties: Glossophobia is the technical and wonderfully weird name for fear of public speaking.