(AI art produced by Grok.x.ai with prompting from a human)
Unlike a new computer, your brain won't require any new operating systems for you figure out in order to use it. Unlike an app or website, it won't be abandoned, forcing you to change the way you work arbitrarily. Your memory, your brain, your mind is always with you. You might as well take every opportunity to exercise it. There's no more important system than your brain. Use it, train it, and sharpen it; your time spent developing your own mind is always well spent.
AI is coming to us in a big way and we should all be concerned about it creating a new class of people that are totally dependent on it. Already I'm seeing friends using AI to write letters and create graphics. The truth is that right now the writing is mediocre at best and the graphics are uninspired. Eventually though, they may become indiscernible from their human produced equivalents. That said, I'm resistant to becoming reliant on AI and I believe that we should take every opportunity to develop individual skills and not belittle our own abilities.
I don't mean to villainize AI, but let's just recognize that it may be doing the thinking for us and we should actively resist the urge to become reliant on it for doing thinking and discernment for us. Let's realize that to do the thinking and to exercise discernment, we must be able to actually hold knowledge within ourselves.
Writing is a formalized way of deep thinking. Through the process of writing we are able to share our thought processes and actually develop our thought processes. When we outsource the writing process to AI, we miss out on the benefits of doing the work ourselves. AI can be used to create a product, but we've missed out on the opportunity to curate our own thinking.
In regards to teaching, when we are teaching at the higher levels, could we focus more on the process than the product? The product comes naturally. The product is simply an outcome of the process. In an AI future, the process may become the focus in education?
In conclusion, don't give away your thinking to AI. Don't give away your opportunity to learn. Don't give away your opportunity to create.