Damon Hargraves

July 11, 2022

Evidence Based Instruction and Learning: Flow and Strategies

This post is published in partial fulfillment of Dr. Sutherland's EDL 755 course at Evangel University.


Chapter 6 The flow of the lesson: learning


Table 6.1 Four major overlapping considerations in the learning process

  1. Capability
  • Piaget levels
    • Sensorimotor
    • Pre-operational
    • Concrete operational
    • Formal operational
  1. Capacity
  • SOLO Levels
    • An idea
    • Ideas
    • Relate the ideas
    • Extend the ideas
  1. Catalyst
  • Catalyst
    • Motivation
    • See a gap
    • Goal setting
    • Strategies development
    • Close the gap
  1. Competence
  • Processes
    • Novice
    • Capable
    • Proficient

Chapter 7 The flow of the lesson: the place of feedback

The three feedback questions (p. 130)

  1. Where am I going? What are my goals?
  2. How am I going? What progress is being made towards the goal?
  3. Where to next? What activities need to be undertaken next to make better progress?

Checklist for during-the-lesson feedback (p. 150)

  • are more concerned with how students receive and interpret feedback;
  • know that students prefer to have more progress than corrective feedback;
  • know that when students have more challenging targets, this leads to greater receptivity to feedback;
  • deliberately teach students how to ask for, understand, and use the feedback provided; and
  • recognize the value of peer feedback, and deliberately teach peers to give other students appropriate feedback


Chapter 6: Using strategies that appear in all types of lessons

Element 15: Previewing Strategies

  • links to prior knowledge
  • summarize
  • make predictions

Element 16: Highlighting Critical Information

  • find important information
  • why specific content is important
  • students know when a teacher is highlighting important content

Element 17: Reviewing Content

  • students record key content as they go
  • review/audit/ modify notes

Element 18: Revising Knowledge

  • review and identify any mistakes
  • explain reasoning when amending prior knowledge

Element 19: Reflecting on Learning

  • students reflect on what they understand
  • student describe their level of effort
  • students describe what they can do to improve learning

Element 20: Assigning Purposeful Homework

  • students' understanding is deepened after being assigned homework
  • speed, accuracy, fluency is increased

Element 21: Elaborating on Information

  • explain answers

Element 22: Organizing Students to Interact

  • students interact in a manner that deepens understanding
  • working efficiently

About Damon Hargraves

Elementary Principal & EdD Candidate
Kodiak, Alaska

Email me at hargraves@hey.com or find me on Twitter @damonhargraves.