Damon Hargraves

November 15, 2021

NAGC 2021


The National Association for Gifted Children 2021 conference is over.  Did you know that there was a national organization and conference for this sort of thing?  I didn't!  

About 2000 teachers, coordinators, administrators, college professors, university researchers, and policy gurus descended on the Gaylord Hotel here on the outskirts of Denver.  This was the most research heavy professional development I've ever experienced.  Every session seemed to point to data and made connections to prior research.  This is a heavy hitting bunch.  

Here are just a couple of things that I'd like to share.

  • "Advanced Coursework Equity Act" is proposed legislation that would introduce grant opportunities totaling $800 million.  Many districts in Alaska could benefit from this funding which would allow for an investment in curriculum and activities for high expectancy and high achieving students.  
  • States have different definitions for Gifted & Talented, but the majority recognize intellectual ability, creativity, academic ability, and performing arts.  Check out NAGC's State of the State report for more details.
In the midst of all of the conference excitement, I was still managing coursework.  While the teachers who traveled with me were out enjoying shopping and other activities, I enjoyed my hotel room desk.  I was a little worried about the workload before the trip, but I was able to manage it.  Dissertation progress continues.  


About Damon Hargraves

Elementary Principal & EdD Candidate
Kodiak, Alaska

Email me at hargraves@hey.com or find me on Twitter @damonhargraves.