Damon Hargraves

January 17, 2022

OmniFocus for Ed.D.

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For about 10+ years now, OmniFocus has been my productivity power tool of choice.  I don't use it for everything.  The Reminders app on my phone is what I use for shared lists with my wife, and for basic reminders to take the trash out, etc.  OmniFocus is the tool I go to for high stakes projects, and it tends to stay in storage until I need it. 

Think of a samurai pulling the old sword, wrapped in silk, out of storage, or an old gun slinger pulling his nickel plated six-shooters out from the chest under the bed.  I reluctantly reinstall OmniFocus because it means that I'm about to take on something big, but I smile as the loading bar progresses thinking about previous victories.  OmniFocus, my old friend.

Key features of OmniFocus that are important to me for Ed.D. completion.
  1. It is a fast and localized app that has online sync and backup.  Backup is key.
  2. I have the ability to organize items into folders, projects, subprojects.  I can lay out items in the way that I think.  I can reorganize easily. 
  3. Each item can have its own attached notes and files.  Whenever I think about an item or if a professor gives verbal directions on an item, I can take notes and attach screenshots for future reference.  Nothing gets lost.    

About Damon Hargraves

Elementary Principal & EdD Candidate
Kodiak, Alaska

Email me at hargraves@hey.com or find me on Twitter @damonhargraves.