Brayden Haws

Healthcare guy turned tech wannabe. Doing product and AI stuff. Building Utah Product Guild⚒️. Constantly tinkering on my 🛻. Occasionally writing poor takes on product, AI, and technology.

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April 6, 2021

Making The Shift To Tech

My whole life I have been deeply interested in Technology, paying attention to trends and keeping up on the latest news. I was drawn to it but at the same time didn't know how to get started in technology for myself. I went to grad school thinking I would spend my career working in business and admin. I quickly learned that it was not ...
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April 2, 2021

Survival of the Bark Canoe

I just wrapped up reading Survival of the Bark Canoe and could not have enjoyed it more. I have long heard about John McPhee and his ability to deep dive on obscure topics from Tim Ferriss and other but this was my first chance to check out his work for myself. While it is definitely a book anyone interested in the outdoor or woodworki...
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March 19, 2021

What's the Foundation?

One of the things I love learning about most are frameworks. Understanding how people approach: making decisions, building products/processes and creating lasting change. My personal framework is anchored in the concept of foundations. My grandfather was a custom home builder and talented carpenter. I spent summers and weekends working...
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