Ian Mulvany

February 15, 2025

2024 - micro review

Micro Review - 2024.

  • 1462km cycled in 2024, compared to 278km in 2023.
  • Turned 50.
  • Still climbing better than my 8 year old and my 12 year old, but their skiing is far better than my snowboarding.
  • Got three new teeth - implants, painful.
  • Ate freshly cooked artichoke hearts, a new culinary experience for me, I liked it!
  • Trips to NYC, Dublin, Mallorca, Dheli, Washington.
  • Climbed in Fontainebleau, managed a font 5b, but would have liked to have ticked a 6a.
  • We got two cats! My first pets. They are awesome.
  • 80 climbing workouts, 452 boulder problems sent, max of V5 (four done), 76 V4s done. Overall more volume than in 2023, but lower difficulty, though a lot of that is due to now trying to send on the moon board mini where the grades are substantially harder than gym grades.
  • Read 16 books:
    1. The System of the world
    1. The coaching habit
    1. 7 1/2 lessons about the brain
    1. Slow horses
    1. When Stars are Scattered
    1. Jingo
    1. Be useful by Arnold Schwarzenegger.
    1. Percy Jackson and the Chalice of the Gods.
    1. Alice in Wonderland.
    1. Hogwarts short book.
    1. Thud
    1. Guards Guards.
    1. The Night Watch.
    1. The Defector - Gabriel Allen book by Daniel silva.
    1. The Mercy of the Gods - James S Corey.
    1. Children of Memory.
  • Injuries
    1. Right MCL tending in my knee - probably a light grade 1 tear.
  • Found some effective mechanisms for reducing my cholesterol, but still need to get it down more in 2025.
  • Covid at least once.
  • Had a climbing wall built in my office, pretty cool!, hard, but motivating.
  • Right at the end of the year managed to create https://mulvany.net/all-my-posts.html.
Looking ahead to 2025:

  • Need to sleep more, loose more weight.

About Ian Mulvany

Hi, I'm Ian - I work on academic publishing systems. You can find out more about me at mulvany.net. I'm always interested in engaging with folk on these topics, if you have made your way here don't hesitate to reach out if there is anything you want to share, discuss, or ask for help with!