Ian Mulvany

March 28, 2024

There is an upcoming STM integrity hub town hall

The link for this event is https://us06web.zoom.us/j/9862079621? and it will be on the 19th of April at 2pm BST, Joris from STM sent over the following: 

Join us for the second STM Integrity Hub Town Hall meeting!  In this session, you will learn about:
  • Progress update on screening tools (now in use by 20 publishers)
  • First-hand experiences from users
  • How the STM Integrity Hub relates to other products and services
  • What’s next? Future work and development roadmap 
  • How to get involved
  • Chris Graf, Director of Research integirty at Springer Nature & Chair of the Integirity Hub Governance Board
  • Clare McFadden, Senior Editor, Publication Ethics and PLOS
  • Tony Alves, SVP at HighWire Press & chair of Working Group
  • Joris van Rossum, Product Director Integrity Hub
  • Ivo Verbeek, Appetence
Please free to forward this invitation to other people in your organization.

The STM integrity hub has been a remarkable success so far in terms of how they have created a collaborative project that has a real chance at improving the integrity of the research literature. I really encourage folk to sign up for this. 

About Ian Mulvany

Hi, I'm Ian - I work on academic publishing systems. You can find out more about me at mulvany.net. I'm always interested in engaging with folk on these topics, if you have made your way here don't hesitate to reach out if there is anything you want to share, discuss, or ask for help with!