Igor Marcossi

January 11, 2022

Drawing and screens

👋 Hey everyone!

I recently bought an iPad + Apple Pencil and found out that I actually enjoy drawing, I only hate the limitations of a paper (can’t undo, erase wears down the paper, can’t move parts).

If you’re wondering whether you should buy one or not, I strongly recommend you to do so. It’s pretty cool to have a big screen phone. Other than that you can buy some keyboard and use it as a laptop with a way smoother OS + you can draw on it.

Look at this guy drawing:

He makes it look so fucking easy.

Wanna see one of my drawings?
Here it goes:
I loved doing it. Yeah, there’s a dark dude inside the person’s mouth holding an axe with an eye and a mouth aiming for the colossal chicken.

iPad has a mini-led screen, which is basically a normal led screen but with thousands of, guess what, mini-leds under the pixels. In theory it’s cool to have the brightness of a led screen with the deep black of amoled ones, but here’s the problem:

Yeah, it’s that noticeable. If you’re too concerned about that you can buy the 11 inch one, which doesn’t feature a mini-led screen.

Next newsletter is gonna be about Basecamp’s design guidelines.

Here’s a wallpaper:

About Igor Marcossi

Developer, designer and annoying 🐕

Get to know me more here.