Iori Osada

September 1, 2024

HEY world, I'm Iori Osada

Hey everyone.

I'm glad to be here, HEY World finally.

First of all, I'd like to introduce myself quickly.

I'm Iori Osada a.k.a Iorin0225 in the internet. I'm Japanese, totally living in Japan in a whole my life (except a few trips).

I'm kind of a director and a programmer in a small Web-tech company in Japan. It's Japanese company but its employees are from various countries and talking English. I'm just learning phase but using English almost everyday.

I love to write something and publish it on the Internet. I started to write something on the Internet about 20 years ago, and I've written weblog almost everyday for years. However those are Japanese and I'd like to try English writing.

So I decided to land HEY World. Recently I'm trying 37signals products such as Basecamp, Writebook and HEY. I like those concepts, design and philosophies. Yeah I know, honestly, I love 37signals philosophy as a creator. They always pleased me! (I'd love to introduce Basecamp into my company but I'm not good with lobbying...)

So I decided to start a life of HEY World. I'm not sure where I'm going but would like to perform this experiment.

Anyway, thank you for reading and see you next post!