Yesterday, I wrote over at Mastodon: “Sitting on the balcony after a good run, enjoying a home-made turkey & egg double cheeseburger and an espresso-tonic, looking forward to watching The Equalizer 3 in a late-night screening. That’s how summer should be like!” And yes, it felt like that the whole week, more so than during my entire August staycation. Last Sunday, for the first time since I underwent knee surgery back in January, I ran one of my formerly regular 10K dirttrack/hill routes, following up with similar 6K and 7K runs over the week. I felt like my old self again, eventually! Also, I went to a fantastic theater performance, watched the extended Ring Trilogy, Twin Peaks: Fire Walk with Me, and The Equalizer 3 at the movies, and enjoyed a good number of great meals, refreshments, and drinks in the sun. However, I heard that the rain will come back this week. Bummer.
I didn’t write any blog posts last week; I was busy compiling and uploading the first download package for my book’s companion website at No new albums on Flickr either, as mentioned in last week’s newsletter, only a few Instagram entries at betweendrafts and my daily vintage-style travel squaries at Pixelfed. Oh, and by the way, there’s a section now at my Ludotronics website that keeps track of events where anyone can meet me, onsite or online as the case may be.
Time for some recreation: this comedy clip about a “server break” chatbot meetup had me in stitches all week. Enjoy!
I didn’t write any blog posts last week; I was busy compiling and uploading the first download package for my book’s companion website at No new albums on Flickr either, as mentioned in last week’s newsletter, only a few Instagram entries at betweendrafts and my daily vintage-style travel squaries at Pixelfed. Oh, and by the way, there’s a section now at my Ludotronics website that keeps track of events where anyone can meet me, onsite or online as the case may be.
Time for some recreation: this comedy clip about a “server break” chatbot meetup had me in stitches all week. Enjoy!