J. Martin

November 27, 2022

Error: Weekend Not Found

Besides my daylight jobs, I’ve been preparing my manuscript for my publisher all week, and—guess what—I had to do it in MS Word. Now, I know my way around in many complex apps, including word processors like LibreOffice or Papyrus Author, outliners like Scrivener, preparation software like Markdown or LaTeX, and desktop publishing software like Affinity Publisher or Adobe InDesign. Honestly, I’ve never experienced anything like this. MS Word is a piece of software that is unintuitive, unreliable, unpredictable, outright stupid, and even straightforward broken, at least on my Mac, where, to begin with, it doesn’t create or recognize templates with dedicated styles. Which is fantastic, considering that—as each chapter has to be prepared separately—I had to juggle thirty-one documents. I swear to god, and by god I mean Cthulhu, that this was the first and last time I prepared a manuscript with this artifact of demonic punishment. Next time, I will transfer my script from Scrivener to LibreOffice first, and export it from there to MS Word (and hope for the best).

Thus, I didn’t publish any blog posts this week, only some photos. There’s a new album on Flickr with 36 photos from the Temple of Heaven in Beijing; my daily squaries on Pixelfed; and one image each at my Instagram accounts betweendrafts and voidpunkverse.

For your entertainment, please enjoy this house cat that broke into a lynx cage; this adorable little bunneh; and this very special cat weekend I wish I’d had.
