J. Martin

June 25, 2023

Missed a Beat

It was already Tuesday when I realized I’d skipped last Sunday’s newsletter. Not that I was stressed-out or anything—I was just terribly busy! All weekend last week, I consolidated various backups to a new and fast hard disk I’d bought earlier, which was complicated. The Mac I’m temporarily working with (courtesy of my university’s IT department) has a mere 250GB of storage, so I couldn’t just make my 2TB Dropbox offline-available for a fresh backup. (It didn’t help that the Mac nearly came to a standstill until I realized that, yikes, Dropbox had created a hidden cache folder with 60GB worth of files.) All in all, my entire digital data, from apps to files to music, amounts to 4.1TB. I know, that doesn’t sound a lot for people who work with highrez graphics or video files! But it’s still a bunch if you want to create a fresh, comprehensive backup from an internal 250GB disk, a 2TB Dropbox, a 4TB NAS, and four elderly hard disks. Now, finally, I can order a new machine! Which will be a reasonably dressed-up Mac mini (M2 8/10 16GB/2TB). And after the weekend? I dove right into a cultural marathon with five events I micro-reviewed over at Instagram here and here. That’s how the newsletter slipped from my memory!

Besides some Instagram posts at betweendrafts and voidpunkverse, including those two just mentioned, I wrote an AI/LLM/GPT Roundup on AI Gods and Old Timey Religion at just drafts; published a new album on Flickr with 12 shots from Singapore’s Suntec City; and posted my daily vintage-style travel-squaries over at Pixelfed. I guess that was it. Oh, and I’m also on T2 now! If you like to get an invite, just drop me a line.

In lieu of the regular Sunday funnies, which will resume in a few weeks, here’s another game worth checking out that was presented at the Indie Game Fest: Hauma by SenAm Games. It’s part visual novel, part point-and-click adventure; its comic style is very appealing; and the promising storyline, I was told, is full of history and myth! It’s coming out soon (published by Assemble Entertainment), and you can both get the demo and wishlist the game on gog.com. Alternatively, if you’re on Steam, you can wishlist it there instead.
