J. Martin

April 9, 2023

My Hovercraft Is Full of Chametz

Don’t mind the title if you don’t happen to find yourself at the center of a Venn diagram of markedly distinct pieces of cultural knowledge; it’s a seasonal joke I made on Twitter long ago, and it makes me miss the time when my beloved social network wasn’t run by a Nazi Child King. Anyways, I keep being surprised by holidays, even if I originally looked forward to cooking something special—so I always realize too late that I failed to make that extra trip to the grocery store. Thus, roast chicken with potatoes and non-legume-ish vegetables will do.

On the LLM front, well, I calmed down a bit. It was a busy week, from our game design project kick-off event to the gamedevs.nrw Afterworks Meetup, which was hugely enjoyable. Also, you can’t keep up with a Gish Gallop, forever researching and correcting unproven claims that too many people suck in like industrial vacuum cleaners, and then credulously spray-vomit back out all over the internet with the barest of comments, or thought. If you’ve ever wondered how mass delusions like “he rose from the dead!” or “the god’s statues were drinking milk!” or “this text synthesis machine has begun to think!” came about—well, look no further. Thus, I published only two posts on my secret level just drafts last week that were already in the pipeline, one on LLM’s genuine problems instead of illusionary problems, and one on the German Ethic Council’s statement on Humans and Machines. Everything else were photos: a new album on Flickr with fifteen images I took within, around, and above the Esplanade CityLink in Singapore; my daily vintage-style travel squaries at Pixelfed, and some new posts at my betweendrafts and voidpunkverse Instagram accounts.

For the Sunday funnies, some delightful Venn diagrams: dates, printers and cats, and the Extended Hands-Up Dance Remix. Enjoy!
