J. Martin

May 5, 2024

Now, Where Was I

Skipped a beat last week because I was super busy with a looming deadline for a grant submission on the one hand, and an event at our university that drew over four thousand visitors within six hours on the other. Fun times! I also had a lot of other stuff to do, as usual, and then there was this fantastic weather last Wednesday so I went for a 12k hill run. Right the next day and for the rest of the week, then, rain showers and thunderstorms came down so hard it felt like punishment for having enjoyed the good weather too much! This week promises a much lighter workload, but rain too as to the forecast.

No new blog posts, but two fresh Penang Island albums at Flickr: Queensbay Mall and Penang Hill, with 10 and 35 images, respectively. Then, there’s my Düsseldorf bucket and my daily vintage travel squaries at Pixelfed. On Alien Day, April 26, I watched the original 1979 cut of Alien at the theater, which was a blast. I also re-watched Miyazaki Hayao’s 千と千尋の神隠し aka Spirited Away and ハウルの動く城 aka Howl’s Moving Castle, which were equally fantastic, and Hamaguchi Ryusuke’s 悪は存在しない aka Evil Does Not Exist—which, alas, was kinda meh. Finally, I enjoyed Mascagni’s Cavalleria rusticana and Leoncavallo’s Pagliacci on a double bill at the opera. (All links lead to micro-reviews at my Mastodon account.) 

For this week, I intend to dial it down a bit. I will definitely go see Miyazaki’s 崖の上のポニョ aka Ponyo on Tuesday (where you can meet me if you want to, including for a chat and a drink if you like); but there are two French movies on the menu—Hors-saison on Monday and Coup de chance on Wednesday—for which I haven’t fixed tickets yet because I’ll be using them as dangling rewards for accomplishing my daily word counts this week.

Finally, with so many cats lately, I think we should close for once with an (eastern gray) squirrel getting brushed.
