J. Martin

May 14, 2023

“Thank You for Screaming into the Void”

Yesterday, after a busy Saturday that included spending a lot of time at the local Japan Day and preparing and enjoying dinner, I finally sat down with a glass of 1776 57.3% Barrel Proof Straight Rye on the rocks and thought, hey, why not have a look at Facebook, which I hadn’t opened for ages! Well, turns out its enshittification has clearly intensified, and while the same people appear to keep posting the same posts with the same comments from the same people forever, there seems to be less and less of it between its exponentially advancing timeline trash. As I never liked Facebook at all—around 2009, my friends had to drag me to this platform kicking and screaming—nothing is lost for me. Twitter, however, is a whole nother story. People keep asking me what I’m gonna do now, regarding the Nazi Child King’s latest extortionate announcement that you have to log in to your dormant Twitter account every 30 days or lose it forever. It’s tough. It was hard to walk away last December from what had been my virtual home for 16+ years, but it’s even harder to watch how its entire history is erased by this fascist fuck. But he’ll only win if enough people give in, and I won’t. Also, let’s face it—ever since Twitter introduced an algorithmic timeline and then degraded its non-algorithmic timeline to opt-in, most of us from then on have merely been screaming into the void. And this new Trumpist advertising professional whom Space Karen just hired as Twitter’s new CEO? Well, she’s a whole new package of really bad news, sooo—high time to cut the emotional ties too and move on. Mastodon can be annoying, yes, but it’s much more lively and people are a lot more responsive in a good way, and I already follow more people there than I ever followed on Twitter.

Last week, I published one post at just drafts about shooting tech bros to Mars, basically a follow-up on my previous post on this insufferable “godfather of AI” Geoffrey Hinton. Then, there’s a new album on Flickr with 15 shots from South Beach, Singapore; my daily vintage-style travel squaries on Pixelfed; and new posts at my Instagram accounts betweendrafts and voidpunkverse.

For the Sunday funnies, please enjoy these two memes about your First Day in Hell and Dorothy’s Doubts, respectively, and this ancient tweet once dear to me on Twitter that found its way to Mastodon: the infinite flashlight and its follow-up post three years later.
