Jack Nicholas

March 8, 2021


Some random notes

Writing as close attention see Craig Mod and https://blog.cbs.dk/inframethodology/

Same site also mentions official style that uses attention as path to living prose

Close reading is creative attention. 

Close and diffuse attention as Chatter book. 

Interleaving and linking and metaphors are forms of paired attention. This is harder than single attention. 

Sleight of hand is misdirection of attention 

When attention goes wrong. Eg. Chatter and ocd. 

False attention. Eg echo chambers and silo thinking. 

Directed practice is delayed gratification attention. 

Active listening is ego-less attention. Very hard. 

About Jack Nicholas

Thinking about perceptions of stammering and new ways of working. Part of Community Navigator Services, a community interest company that promotes co-production, challenges inequality, and explores the intersection of language and power. Partner at Nicholas Allen Partnership. Freelance writer. Volunteer at STAMMA.
Writes infrequently for stamma.org and sporadically at jacknicholas.substack.com
Using hey.world for notes incomplete and inconsequential.