Jack Nicholas

August 26, 2021

Gobbet and peroration

Depressed words of the day. Gobbet and peroration. Much of the time, I feel I am writing gobbets of a peroration. My definitions:
- Peroration: a rhetorical speech, probably overlong, bombastic, hectoring.
- Gobbet: a small piece often from a larger mass or work, often unpleasant or indigestible as often was the larger work.The negative of a nugget.
Ho-hum, write on...

About Jack Nicholas

Thinking about perceptions of stammering and new ways of working. Part of Community Navigator Services, a community interest company that promotes co-production, challenges inequality, and explores the intersection of language and power. Partner at Nicholas Allen Partnership. Freelance writer. Volunteer at STAMMA.
Writes infrequently for stamma.org and sporadically at jacknicholas.substack.com
Using hey.world for notes incomplete and inconsequential.