See these Apple's Activity summary screenshots? They are the source of why I’m feeling so well, so proud these days. On the second day of January, 2021, I decided to change a few things in my physical life. One of them was to exercise more. Way more. We’re now half-way in April, and I’m still in line with this goal. If all goes well, I’ll make it to the Montreal’s half-marathon this coming September. All my indicators are up. I’m feeling so good, so proud of myself.
A week ago, I added something not shown here: mindful meditation using Petit Bambou. Each day, after lunch, I make a pause, stop everything, a take about 10-20 min for me to meditate. It is really good for me, to my body but above all to my soul. I plan to continue for a long as possible. I'm currently at close to three hours of mindful meditation.😊
The year 2021 feels so good to me.
JF Martin aka Numeric Citizen