I recently went for a long walk of 8 km on a small island called “Nun’s island”, just outside of Montreal. It was a superb spring day. For the occasion, my iPhone 11 Pro stayed in my pocket as I had my Nikon D750 camera with me with my 70-200 mm lens. On that sunny and warm day, there was so many birds, all with their distinctive sounds, it was intense and of a great pleasure to listen to. It felt like spring. Birds were really everywhere around me; it was hard to miss them.
I’m not into birds photography at all; I’m not patient enough to wait for them for the right moment. Yet, while waiting for some friends to join me for that walk, I had the pleasure to try a few shots of them, sitting around me, close enough to enable a few interesting takes. The above picture is one of them. It’s probably one of my best shot of a bird.
The following screenshot shows some metadata about this picture within Lightroom CC. The Bokeh effect comes from the f/2.8 aperture. Even at 200mm and ISO 180, the shutter speed was 1/4000! That was a sunny day for sure but my lens is of a great quality too.
Oh, I almost forgot, the bird was a red-winged blackbird.
JF Martin aka Numeric Citizen
Previously published photos in the series can be found on my main blog.