Jeffrey Mattison

December 29, 2021

What would I do if I won the lottery?

This is December's prompt for Postcrossing and I just barely made it (the 29th)! First of all, I never play the lottery because I'm morally opposed to games of chance. Furthermore, lottery participation is a net loss for most who play it and most of the people who play are those who don't have much income to spare.

That being said, because this is a hypothetical, half of it would probably go to taxes to begin with. Then I'd have to choose between taking the lump sum or receiving it as a monthly annuity. I would certainly take the lump sum because I know I could invest it better than the state could to give me a better rate of return.

I wouldn't change my lifestyle or spending habits. I'd pay off my mortgage, fully fund my retirement accounts, and set aside money for my children to attend the universities of their choice. After that, I might look into a summer home in the mountains that would provide a quiet space to write and relax. In a good position to take care of myself and family, I would have fun being generous with the rest of the money. I might be an angel investor to start up businesses with a socially conscious mission. I'd also give to organizations small and large that make personal and systemic impacts on inequities in society and restore balance to natural and human environments.