João Cascalheira

September 26, 2024

No competition here

Simon Sinek is one of the best thinkers of our time. His perspective on finite vs. infinite games is a total game changer.
In a finite game, there are known players, fixed rules, and an agreed upon objective - you play to win. In an infinite game, there are known and unknown players, rules are changeable, and the objective is to perpetuate the game - you play to keep playing. 

Business, research, life - it’s all an infinite game. Success isn’t about beating someone else; it’s about staying in the game, evolving, and making an impact over time.

In research and academia, the finite mindset shows up all the time. People ask: “Who’s your competition?”, “Who do you want to be better than?", “Who do you want to be like?”. It’s always framed like a race, where someone has to come out on top.

But it’s the wrong question. Research isn’t a competition. Trying to outdo someone else or beat their numbers misses the whole point. It’s not about stopping others from succeeding. In fact, it’s the opposite. 

You shouldn’t be measuring your success by how you compare to others or whether you can outpace their output. The real impact of research - like in an infinite game - is in how it shapes the world over time, not in whether you're seen as “better” than someone else.

The key is to cultivate your uniqueness and keep it that way. Some days, people will tell you you’re the best. Other days, they’ll say you’re not that great. But no one should be in research to "win." The ones who think they are? They’ll be disappointed soon enough.

The real game is to keep playing, keep learning, keep contributing. It’s not about being better than anyone else. It’s about staying in the game for as long as you can, and helping others stay in it too. You can't compete with others if you want them to win too.

-- João

About João Cascalheira

Hey there! I'm João, a researcher at ICArEHB, a research center of Archaeology and Human Evolution based at the University of Algarve. Thanks for stopping by and please subscribe below.