João Cascalheira

August 25, 2024


Well, here we are. My very first blog post. If you’re reading this, congratulations - you’ve stumbled upon what might just be the most niche corner of the internet.

Here I’ll post, mostly, about the glamorous world of research management. Yes, you read that right. Research. Management. Two words that, when combined, could make even the most dedicated researcher’s eyes glaze over.

You might be wondering, "Why on earth would someone start a blog about research management?" Good question. The short answer? Because there’s a lot of stuff out there about business management, but research management? Not so much. And trust me, it’s a wild, wild world that deserves a little more attention.

So, I thought, why not share some of the highs, lows, and "What on earth just happened?" moments from the world of managing research? Whether you’re a seasoned research manager, a curious scientist, or just someone who loves reading about the bizarre ways people try to organize chaos, this blog is for you. It will be a mix of practical tips, workflow hacks, and lessons learned from my own experiences in managing research. I’ll also throw in some guidelines that have helped me keep my sanity - things that, hopefully, will make your life a little easier too.

And if you ever find yourself questioning your life choices after reading one of my posts, just remember: You’re not alone. I’m probably questioning mine while writing it.

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Thanks for reading.

-- João

About João Cascalheira

Hey there! I'm João, a researcher at ICArEHB, a research center of Archaeology and Human Evolution based at the University of Algarve. Thanks for stopping by and please subscribe below.