Feast of the Transfiguration (August 6)
Feast of the Transfiguration (August 6)
He who of old spoke through symbols to Moses on Mount Sinai, saying: I am He Who Is,
was transfigured today upon Mount Tabor before the Disciples.
In his own person he showed them the nature of man
arrayed in the original beauty of the image.
Calling Moses and Elijah to be witnesses of this surpassing grace,
he made them partakers of the gladness,
foretelling his death on the Cross and his saving Resurrection.
- Aposticha verse of Transfiguration (emphasis added)
It's been said before that the Transfiguration (the Metamorphosis as it is in the Greek) is not really a change in Christ but in the Disciples: He is as he has been from the beginning, but their eyes are opened to see him, partially, as he is.
The verse from the services for the Feast tells us something more: that the Transfigured Christ shows us our own human nature as it is meant to be, "In the beauty of the image." As Abba Joseph showed Abba Lot, in Christ our own original beauty can be restored to us, here and now.
If you will, you can become all flame.
Here's a photo of the traditional blessing of fruit in our parish on the Feast:
My wife Marilyn pointed out to me the implications of the verse from the festal service, and its connection to the story from the Desert Fathers. Thanks!