Jordan Ogren

April 14, 2022

Your secret weapon in marketing 🧪

The more you do, the less you can accurately test and measure.

Think back to science class and experiments.

When experimenting, you start with a hypothesis. You believe that by altering X, Y will happen. The experiments’ goal is to prove or disprove that hypothesis.

The five main components of an experiment are:
  1. Control variable: Any variable that does not change during an experiment.
  2. Independent variable: The variable that is manipulated or changed by the researcher.
  3. Dependent Variable: The variable that responds to the independent variable. The dependent variable is what you measure.
  4. Length: How long you plan to run the experiment.
  5. Hypothesis: A prediction of whether the independent variable will affect the dependent variable or a prediction of the nature of the effect. 

In marketing, this would like:
  • Control variable = sending out a weekly newsletter and posting on social media about it 3 times a week
  • Independent variable = messaging and positioning for the newsletter
  • Dependent variable = new signups 
  • Length = one month
  • Hypothesis = The messaging will increase signups from 35 per month to over 50 signups

Let’s first touch on how few marketing teams experiment.

They fail to put together a solid hypothesis, which eliminates their ability to gain valuable insights from what they are doing.

They assume what they believe is the truth rather than putting their beliefs to the test through a rigorous experiment (as detailed above).

Second, most marketing teams do so much that they can measure little. Almost everything they do is an independent variable with minor control variables.

This makes proving or disproving their hypothesis difficult. They are throwing so many elements into the beaker that you are unsure which component caused the explosion.

This inhibits them from learning what is truly working and improving on that.

It’s like a new software that keeps pumping out new features and improving the design that you are unsure which additions added to the surge in signups. You keep improving the product without knowing what is driving growth.

This is great when things are working.

But when things begin to break or don’t grow quickly enough, you cannot diagnose what to stop or do differently, so you keep spending time on adding without knowing if it’s improving the metrics you care about (i.e., signups).

I’m not advocating for you to stop everything you’re doing and only do one thing.

I suggest you design an experiment around the next time you want to join a new social media platform or start a new podcast. You don’t do it blindly.

Note: Give yourself enough time and an achievable hypothesis. Without this, you will never do something that takes time to bring significant results (i.e., content).

Experiments aren’t meant to hamper your creativity. 

They are meant to prove or disprove your beliefs, leading to better decisions on what to invest time and energy into. It’s about not living in a fantasy (which most do) and fighting to find reality through experimenting and profiting from making decisions in reality.

Marketeer Insights ⚔️
  1. Experiments are a marketer’s secret weapon to bring about actual positive change
  2. Take your current beliefs (i.e., we need to be on every social media channel) and create an experiment to prove or disprove your hypothesis
  3. Make your decisions after an experiment either proves or disproves your hypothesis to make the best decision

🧠 + ❤️ // JO