Fractal is about similar patterns recurring at progressively smaller scales. To me, good code is a fractal: you observe the same qualities repeated at different levels of abstraction.
This is not surprising. Good code is the one that is easy to understand, and the best mechanism we have to deal with complexity is building abstractions. These interchange complexity for an intelligible interface to us humans. But we still need to deal with that complexity they push down; to do that, we follow the same process all over: we build new abstractions that hide details and offer a higher-level mechanism to deal with those.
I am using abstraction to refer to everything: from a large subsystem to the last private method in some internal class. But how do you build those abstractions? Well, that’s the million-dollar question and the subject of countless books. In this post, I would like to focus on four qualities I consider essential when it comes to making code understandable:
- Domain-Driven: speak the domain of the problem.
- Encapsulation: expose crystal clear interfaces and hide details.
- Cohesiveness: do one single thing from the point of view of their caller.
- Symmetry: operate at the same level of abstraction.
Because this post is getting too, pardon me, abstract, I’ll clarify with some real-world code from Basecamp. In several places, the product offers an activity timeline. This timeline refreshes dynamically: it will update in real-time if someone does something while you are looking at it.
At the domain level, when you perform actions in Basecamp, such as completing todos, creating documents, or posting comments, the system creates events, and those events are relayed to several destinations, such as the activity timeline or webhooks. Let’s have a look at the code:
First, we have the Event model, which includes a Relaying concern (I am just showing the relevant parts):
class Event < ApplicationRecord include Relaying end
This concern adds an association relays and a hook to relay events asynchronously when they are created:
module Event::Relaying extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do after_create_commit :relay_later, if: :relaying? has_many :relays end def relay_later Event::RelayJob.perform_later(self) end def relay_now ... end end class Event::RelayJob < ApplicationJob def perform(event) event.relay_now end end
So Event#relay_now is the method we are interested in. Notice that it speaks the domain language; it does one thing from the point of view of the job that invokes it; and that everything involved in relaying an event is hidden at this point. Let's dig into that method:
module Event::Relaying def relay_now relay_to_or_revoke_from_timeline relay_to_webhooks_later relay_to_customer_tracking_later if recording relay_to_readers relay_to_appearants relay_to_recipients relay_to_schedule end end end
This method orchestrates the invocations to a set of lower-level methods. They are all about relaying, so cohesiveness remains; they have clear names for the relay destinations based on the domain; details are still hidden; and they are symmetric: you don’t have to jump across levels of abstraction to understand what this method does.
That method #relay_to_or_revoke_from_timeline looks like the one we are looking for:
module Event::Relaying private def relay_to_or_revoke_from_timeline if bucket.timelined? ::Timeline::Relayer.new(self).relay ::Timeline::Revoker.new(self).revoke end end end
Again, good domain-based names: it checks if a bucket is timelined and creates an object Timeline::Relayer to relay events to a timeline; notice the symmetry: there is a counterpart class to revoke events; the method is cohesive, it focuses on relays and timelines, and implementation details remain hidden. Let's look into that class:
class Timeline::Relayer def initialize(event) @event = event end def relay if relaying? record broadcast end end private attr_reader :event delegate :bucket, to: :event def record bucket.record Relay.new(event: event), parent: timeline_recording, visible_to_clients: visible_to_clients? end def broadcast TimelineChannel.broadcast_event(event, to: recipients) end end
This time the abstraction is a plain Ruby class, not a method, but we can observe the same traits. It exposes a public method #relay that hides its implementation details. Looking inside, we see it does two operations: record the relay in the database and broadcast it via Action Cable (this code was written years before Hotwire). Notice the symmetry: even when both operations are a single-line invocation, they are extracted out as higher-level methods.
Finally, we reach the low-level details. The method #record persists the relay in the database — relays are recordables for a recording, the seminal use case that originated Rails’ delegated types. And #broadcast is the method where the event is broadcasted to recipients, the one we were interested in when we started.
In this example, we could easily understand the relaying logic from the moment an event is created until it is pushed through the action cable channel. We could do that because there is only one thing to pay attention to on each jump: one responsibility and one level of abstraction, with names reflecting the problem we are reasoning about. Of course, what constitutes good code is subjective and involves many more concepts, but the ability to make these journeys with ease on non-trivial systems is the number one quality in the code I like.
This article belongs to a series of posts on Rails design techniques called Code I like.
You can also check this take on the composed method implementation pattern from many years ago. Its best part is the two books it references, which I recommend you to read if you are interested in these topics.
Photo by Martin Rancourt on Unsplash