Joseph Hill

March 7, 2021

Information & Context Driven Design - Transit Maps

I found the design and effort by Work&Co on the NYC MTA digital mapping project really interesting. You can watch the short 8 minute video here:

I believe transit mapping really presents an opportunity for some of the best informational design principles out there. It’s an interesting challenge with getting all that data and context but drawing lines at when is enough, enough and when you need more information.

My short play with the new interactive map here:,-73.9539412,11.2z has been enjoyable and leaves me wanting more for the city I live in (Hamburg, Germany) 

About Joseph Hill

“I‘m a passionate product person who believes that communication and trust are the key elements to empowering people to be their very best. I’ve been a part of developing and delivering great software for over 15 years now and have worked in many different environments such as boxed products with tight shipping dates to SaaS approach which requires more agility and crucial thinking”