Joseph Benson-Aruna

January 3, 2024

On Starting Small

I'm a big advocate for the concept of Minimum Viable Products, or MVPs. My belief is unwavering: the most effective path to success is to begin with manageable steps, to start small and build progressively.

In the journey of starting something new, whether it's a business, a project, or any venture, overcoming inertia and analysis paralysis are among the most significant hurdles. We often fall into the trap of over-planning, creating exhaustive lists and strategies that, while impressive on paper, lead us nowhere because we never actually begin. Alternatively, we might embark on our journey only to be stopped in our tracks by anxieties and doubts about what the future might hold. Sometimes, the issue is that we set our sights too high too soon, establishing monumental goals that, while aspirational, are simply unrealistic in the early stages.

So, how about adopting a different strategy this time? Consider the virtue of starting small. Take pleasure in the completion of each small task. Recognize that it's the aggregation of these little things that, over time, weave together to form the tapestry of your grand vision. Each minor accomplishment is a brick in the foundation of your larger goal.

Moreover, understand that starting small doesn't mean thinking small. It means setting realistic, achievable goals that, step by step, lead to larger achievements. It's about iterative development, learning, and adapting as you go. With each iteration, you gather feedback, learn from real-world interactions, and refine your approach. This cycle of build, measure, and learn turns your initial idea into a continually evolving and improving entity.

Starting small also means being nimble and flexible. It allows you to pivot and make changes without the heavy burden of sunk costs or the daunting prospect of steering a large, unwieldy ship. You're more agile, able to respond quickly to changes in the market, customer preferences, or your own learning and insights.

Remember, the most towering trees begin as the smallest seeds. They don't burst forth from the ground in their final form; they grow gradually, weathering storms and droughts, adapting and strengthening over time. Similarly, by starting small with your project or venture, you allow room for organic growth, resilience, and adaptation.

Embrace the small beginnings, cherish the journey, and understand that each step forward, no matter how small, is a step towards achieving your larger goal. This is the power and promise of starting with an MVP. It's not just a product or a project; it's a philosophy of growth, learning, and adaptation. So, take that first small step today, and begin the journey towards something truly great.

Happy new year!

Always happy to talk about stuff.