Joseph Daws

February 18, 2025

Moving to Substack

I have decided that I will move my posts to a substack ( This means I won't be posting here on hey world in the immediate future. Consider subscribing over there!

The main reason for this change is that I am interested in a platform with more interactivity (or realistically the possibility of interactivity). Substack has comments and other interesting features. Readers can push back and help refine my ideas and this platform doesn't support comments as far as I know. Some people could probably just post the same stuff to two platforms. For me, I know I'd better just stick to one. I plan to keep posting similar small posts containing half-formed but hopefully interesting ideas there as I have
done here, but I also plan to post longer form content there.

My first project in the new longer format is a book/blog series about navigating the choices that one faces when reaching the end of one's school years. It's called Find What's Next. I think there are relevant thoughts for those coming to the end of their undergraduate or graduate studies. If you know someone in this position and think they could benefit, please do share it with them.

One note about the substack platform. Most of it I quite like. It feels very modern and I like that
it saves your place while reading a long piece. It does suffer from the blight of user interaction
traps that many websites suffer from. One really annoying thing that I haven't found out how to
disable is this huge popup saying SUBSCRIBE OR ELSE (it doesn't say this exactly) when you first
visit the site. Initially it looked to me like you HAD TO subscribe to view the content. This is not
the case. There is a "no thanks" button that takes you straight to the article without forcing one
to subscribe. If you do end up sharing this with other people let them know they have a choice. In
the meantime I'll see if I can come to understand the platform more and disable it.

About Joseph Daws

Hello, my name is Joseph. Consider subscribing below to receive some of my thoughts and opinions about software, mathematics, and computers in your email inbox.