James Godwin

December 21, 2023

I Ching Hexagram 43 KUAI



I Ching Hexagram 43 - Breakthrough (Resoluteness)
Experience a significant advance by staying determined within appropriate boundaries. Break free from negative patterns.

Symbolises overcoming obstacles through persistence, represented by the interplay of Water (Kan) and Fire (Li). It urges resoluteness, clear communication, and the willingness to break old patterns.

Breakthrough is about decisive action in complex situations. It reflects the mandate of heaven - the ruler's divine right to rule justly. It encourages openness to new ways of thinking, bold action, and steadfastness even amidst uncertainty.

Line 1
Avoid the pitfalls of overconfidence. Resist the urge to resolve everything at once. Stay calm, grounded and don't let ego lead you astray.

Line 2
Stay alert and prepared. Vigilance enables you to handle challenges efficiently, and it prevents surprises.

Line 3
Resist hasty decisions. Stay patient until a clear understanding is achieved. Seek help if needed but maintain a firm resolve.

Line 4
Avoid imposing your will due to restlessness. Rely on your inner sense of rightness, and let things unfold naturally.

Line 5
Uproot deep-seated habits with firm resolve. Stay balanced and follow the middle path. Persevere in doing what's right, accepting life as it comes.

Line 6
Don't let premature celebrations or complacency hinder true resolution. Uphold principles of equality and justice consistently for proper completion.

Useful Links
  1. Revolutionary I Ching App Harness ChatGPT for Hexagram Insights, Download AI Ching App
  2. What is the I Ching
  3. How to consult the I Ching
  4. Consult the I Ching Online
  5. Discover the ‘Daily I Ching’ for universal guidance.
  6. Access all the I Ching Hexagrams 1 to 64
  7. Buy the book, Embracing Life’s Journey Your Guide to Personal Growth with the I Ching
  8. Little Panda Learns the Tao: Stories of Nature’s Balance. Download on Amazon